And no this is not some cheesy attempt to pick you up. (Has that ever happened to anyone?! If so, I would LOVE to hear about that wonderful experience!).
Anyway, since high school I've been wildly entertained by astrology. I love looking at the personality traits of each sign and analyzing how they match up with each individual. It's amazing how dead on they can be, and of course how far-fetched and wacky they seem! Since high school, my friends discovered a website the provides a monthly horoscope. It became tradition that on the first of each month we'd print out everyone's horoscope and compare notes. I've kept my eye on it throughout the years and often share it with my family and friends - the outcome is often hilarious.
Awkward Story: A few years ago I was kind of dating a guy that I wasn't too excited about - he was in my group of friends and in one of my classes, and we were just getting to know each other and hanging out. My friends had planned a ski trip for the weekend ahead that we would all be attending. One night while working on a project together, I took a break to read my monthly horoscope and suggested he'd check his out too.
The entire horoscope was about how he finally found his true love and how the weekend ahead would be a romantic one indeed. The situation quickly turned awkward as I was the one reading this aloud to him, as he got increasingly excited and I felt suddenly ill. Needless to say, the horoscope was wrong (due to my control), and the weekend was not the romantic one he had hoped for. Nice guy but..sorry buddy!
So even though we're already a week into January, check out to see your astrological review of the month ahead! They're kind of lengthy and some months are definitely more exciting than others, but it's fun to get a sneak peek of what lies ahead...whether it happens or not. Be careful though, you might want to read it first before offering to read aloud to others!
and Holler if you're a Gemini!
