Friday, July 9, 2010


My mom and I had dinner with my grandparents tonight. They're just shy of 80 years old and seriously hilarious. My g-ma (which we fondly call her) is like the incredible shrinking woman, and my grandpa is a 3 times semi-retired Irish Catholic Dr. that thinks wine is universal medicine, which he brews in his basement. They're beautiful people and I love being able to sit with them and soak up their stories and knowledge.

In addition to career advice and leading me to life revelations, this is what I learned from my grandpa tonight:
Lesson #1: the world is full of PITAs (pain in the...ahem).
Lesson #2: he is a proud member of the local ROMEOs (rotten old men eating out).
Lesson #3: he had over 50 shirts made, each one deeming "JESUS LOVES YOU" in large font, with a lovely, very small subtitle of "everyone else thinks you're a donkeyhole."

(the substitution of words was necessary...this is a family place so I keep my blog PG).

Hope you found these lessons as valuable and enlightening as I did.

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