Tuesday, February 9, 2010

From "I have to" to "I get to"

If you're reading this right now then I'm guessing you probably run more days a week than not. And if you're a runner, it means you enjoy running most of the time. You like knowing you're doing something good for your body and your mental health and so most days it's not a chore but rather something you get to do.

Most of us have days—weekly for some, every third day for others—where we don't really enjoy the run. On these days, getting dressed and putting on your shoes feels fatiguing, let alone doing the lunge warm-up the guy on NikeRunning.com says you need to do. Often this coincides with a stressful work week or a poor running weather, but even when those external stressors aren't present part of being a runner is the thought, "I don't really want to do this."

This is why a tweet I read this week, from a runner in Boulder named Todd, struck a cord. He simply said, "It's about the smiling, not the suffering. Change the mindset from 'I have to' to 'I get to.'" He's right and you and I both know it. It's hard to embrace each day you have the opportunity to go for a run as an "I get to," but I encourage you to adopt that mindset because we almost always feel better about ourselves (and often our lives?) when the run is over. so why not start today's run with "I get to."

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