Sunday, March 21, 2010

Proverbs 14:23

"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."

I like to think that we're all a work in progress - every aspect of our beings are in a constant state of evolution. From relationships and careers, to our own hearts and inner faith. But it's important to not use that as our crutch. Situations and emotions change on a daily basis, and even though it's a "work in progress," are we really working? What are we doing to better ourselves and push this evolution along?

Within the past year or so I've come to know what it means to live as a Christian. I discovered it, I fell in love with it, and then it became a work in progress. Here I am, months later, still in the same seat I was before. Of course there is the ebb and flow of life, the ebb and flow of our progress, but the weakening state of my faith was not a result of that. I've forgotten that being a "work in progress" actually requires work.

This introduction to the Christian life also brought on many new and amazing friends that hold me accountable, that share their faith with me. When they ask how I'm doing, this "work in progress" became my automated response. Well, I got kicked in the face today when I passed out my typical response, and they opened my eyes to the lack of work that I was putting towards my progression. I was speaking the words and I wasn't backing it up. I wasn't including it in my new relationships, I wasn't making it a part of my daily life, a concept I recently learned that I needed.

My happiest moments, my happiest week in my life took place in a Navajo nation in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico. My faith had never been so strong, and I had never experienced a richer version of life.

Now as I am back in my own world as a 21 year old trying to enjoy my senior year in college, I am learning that this Christian life is pretty fricken hard.

I have a goal in mind and I haven't put the work in, continuing to be frustrated with the results.

Though the conversation was painful, I am so grateful to have those people in my life to hold me accountable, to wake me up, and to bring me back to my faith. And I am even more thankful for such a gracious God that never leaves, no matter how often I ignore Him.

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